Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Getting it done..
Like ·  · 

"DJ MUD" at work.. (Therapeutic and Free Expression of 3D Matter). As a Potter of 6 years, its a go away place into the back of my head space.  

Friday, August 15, 2014

I Got a Job!

SO, I have been working at West Village Market & Deli for a few weeks. I'm so thankful for the opportunity and cannot wait to go to work Saturday. I really feel like God blessed me with this job and I will put my all into working there. I handle the produce section and help in other departments when I'm needed. Stay tuned for updates and pictures.

My rack of the produce, at The West Village Market. I love my job and work as hard as I can, for the owner Rosanne...

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Whey Protein and TBI Recovery

I saw this article about concussions, which are basically brain injuries. Whey protein is extremely helpful for TBI survivors. I strongly hope other survivors at least consider using Whey or at least take a look at this. I know it's a long hard road and extremely difficult, but individuals with head injuries have to be responsible for their own recovery. We have to do it for ourselves and for our family's and love ones. I don't really like the huge company NIKE, but love the motto "Just Do It". I think it really applies to us.
To all survivors, stay strong, YOU CAN DO IT, JUST DO IT.. Check out the article How Nutrition Can Help Concussions

 God bless you.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Some TBI Support Services in Asheville

There are lots of different kinds of help for survivors around the area. I have had services from Liberty Corners and Vocational Rehabilitation from the state of NC. I now get services through The ARC of NC, which seems best for my abilities. Here is a site that has more info... http://www.ncdhhs.gov/mhddsas/services/TBI/index.htm

 I hope people can find the help they need thttp://www.libertycornerent.com

Friday, July 11, 2014

Drinking Alcohol with a TBI is a bad idea.

I am not going to lie, I know it's bad and may be slowing my recovery, but I still drink. I'm trying to figure out how to be comfortable while in public or talking with a girl I'm interested in. Having a couple of drinks to loosen up is normal, however, TBI survivors risk slowing or stopping their recovery by using alcohol. Five years ago, I went to a hospital to speak about my accident. The speaker before me was a doctor and he talked about the dangers of drinking alcohol with a TBI. He said drinking with a TBI magnifies the power of the alcohol. One beer can seem like six beers. At the time, I thought this was good news. Now I'm trying to take it more seriously. I notice that my speech and cognition is impaired when I'm drinking and for a day or so after I drink. This is not good and makes my goal of being healthy harder to reach. I'm setting a new goal to reduce my alcohol consumption and increase the amount of water I drink. Creating this blog post was a good exercise in recognizing how my choice to consume alcohol with a TBI is self-destructive and doesn't match my desire to recover as much of my brain function as possible. Check out this great article on TBI and alcohol consumption.    TBI And Alcohol Consumption


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Who am I?

I've been wondering how people perceive me. I'm thirty two years old and realize that my TBI has clouded my perception of myself. This leaves me confused. Who am I? I wonder how much of this is normal and how much is caused by the TBI. Sometimes I feel like I'm on a roller-coaster. My moods change and with the change comes a new perspective. Some days I feel confident and grounded, other days I feel insecure and weightless. I've written down eight characteristics I would like to emulate in my life. I'm hoping these traits help me stay centered and focused. Who are you?

Who is Drew Carter?
1. Smart
2. Courageous
3. Honest
4. Healthy
5. Self-Discipline
6. Strong
7. Respectful
8. Wise

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Interview with TBI caregiver, Donna O'Donnell Figurski

I had the chance to connect with Donna on Facebook and sent her some questions to answer. I wanted to get her perspective as a TBI caregiver. Please check out her blog and website below.  Thank you, Donna!

Donna's Blog: donnaodonnellfigurski.wordpress.com
Donna's Traumatic Brain Injury Blog: survivingtraumaticbraininjury.wordpress.com
Donna's Website: donnaodonnellfigurski.com

1. How do you find time for yourself? Does this change according to your husband's recovery? (I think I remember you telling me he had one)

My husband’s traumatic brain injury happened more than nine years ago. He wasn’t expected to survive any of his three brain surgeries (for a cerebellar hemorrhage, removal of an aneurysm, and removal of an arterio-venous malformation), but he did! When David returned home from his stays at the general hospital and the rehabilitation hospital (two and a half months after his event), picture a rag doll. He was reduced to an infantile state and was completely dependent on me. He was unable to feed himself, dress himself, and take care of any of his daily activities. Fortunately, some friends and family helped me in the beginning. After taking a family leave for three and a half months to stay by David’s side in the hospitals, I returned to teaching my first graders. However, whenever I was home, I was totally responsible for David’s welfare. For at least a year, I was never able to leave him alone. David was a prisoner without bars. So was I.

As the years passed, David became more adept at caring for himself, and slowly I felt confident enough to leave him alone at home for short periods of time. The intervals grew as the years marched on, and now I can comfortably leave David for long spans of time. This has freed me immensely. I am able to run errands without having David accompany me. I am able to attend my writing-group meetings, and I have joined the theater, as an actor, assistant stage manager, and director. Despite my new freedoms, David and I remain tethered together by our cell phones. I am only a phone call away.
Unfortunately, because of David’s severe loss of balance, even nine years later he cannot leave the house unassisted.

2. Do you have a sense of community, like support groups or other services?

When David was released from the rehabilitation hospital, I took him to a local brain-injury support group. Although David’s brain was severely damaged, he was not able to relate to the other folks there. He said it made him feel worse, so we stopped going.

When David was in the hospital, I met a woman whose husband had a TBI two weeks after David. I made a point of getting to know her because I thought I could help her. Though the TBI of Judy’s husband is very different from David’s TBI, Judy and I became close friends. But, since we live a distance apart, we offered support via email, phone calls, and an occasional visit.

I was not aware of any other support groups for caregivers back then. It was only in December of 2013 that I found via Facebook brain-injury support groups online. I am now an active member of several traumatic-brain-injury groups, all of which offer friendship and support and answer questions for both caregivers and survivors.

I’m so glad to have found these groups. They provide instant information and support for anyone who needs it.

3.What have you found to be the hardest part of a TBI recovery?

Wow! That’s a hard question. The lives we knew were ripped from us on that fateful morning of January 13, 2005.

I feel very much like Dorothy, when the cyclone picked her up in Kansas and dropped her on the yellow brick road. Like Dorothy, I searched for a way home to the secure and familiar. Unlike Dorothy, I’m still searching.

When something burst inside David’s head, our lives changed forever. It was a complete role reversal. In an instant, I was suddenly in charge, and I was not prepared for my new life. Before TBI, David oversaw the business of running our home – juggling the bills, doing home repairs, making decisions, and . . . taking out the trash. I liked it that way. I chauffeured the children to their soccer games, gymnastic meets, doctor’s appointments, etc. and prepared breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. I liked it that way. In the evenings when David returned from his laboratory at Columbia University and I came home from my 1st or 3rd graders, we fit in “walk-talks” through the neighborhood. We liked it that way.

After David’s TBI, I had to figure out how to run the house. The kids were grown and gone, but I had to pay the bills. (What bills? I didn’t even know what bills we had!) I had to get money from an ATM. I know it’s crazy, but I didn’t know how. David had shown me many times, but, like Scarlet O’Hara, I never paid attention. “Tomorrow, I’ll do it tomorrow.” Well tomorrow slammed me in the face on January 13th, 2005. I was stuck when David slipped into an unconscious state and the code slept with him. I didn’t know who to call for home repairs or to distinguish between junk-mail and important mail, and . . . I had to take out the trash.

Those are some of the things that were very difficult for me. Another was dealing with insurance companies. Fighting with them to pay the bills was overwhelming and extremely stressful. The phone calls and the letters seemed unending. I felt it was unfair for my insurance company not to pay the claims that they so proudly advertised they would do when they were recruiting my business. I kept my part of the bargain. I paid my hefty insurance payments for countless years on-time each month, with no reminders or urging from the insurance company. I never missed a premium payment, though I hadn’t need of their services. Yet, when it came time for them to cover David’s hospital and doctor bills, they tried to renege, not only making me jump through hoops, but also making me feel like I was shaking a tin can on the corner. It was not only downright insensitive, it bordered on criminality. I know many folks will relate to this. I am not alone.

But, the absolute worst of course, was losing the man I married. The man I met at age sixteen went to sleep in a coma, and the man who woke up is a new version of him – a wonderful guy, just the same, whom I will love to forever, but I often miss the “old” guy too.

4. What has been the easiest part of recovery?

This question, too, takes some thought. When I brought David home after his spending two and a half months in hospitals, I thought I would lose my mind. Not only was he like a rag doll and able to do nothing for himself, he was also not quite right with his thinking. He didn’t understand what was going on, and it was very difficult for him and me to live our daily lives without the hospital support. For years, I became his extra self. I did everything for him.

But after time, as he slowly regained some of his missing skills, life became a little easier. David eventually returned to his laboratory at Columbia University. His nature before his TBI was always good, but with his job, he was usually on overload and lived with a lot of stress. After his TBI, he seems more relaxed and lets many things roll by. He tries to make things easier for me, and, now that he is more able to care for himself, he encourages me to pursue my many interests. I have become involved with the theater and my writing groups. I am able to meet girlfriends for lunch dates and walk-talks, or slip out for a quick coffee with a friend.

So, I guess David’s accepting attitude, coupled with his persistence to get better and to make a better life for both of us, is what gets us through.

5. Have you found a spiritual path helpful?

Truthfully, neither of us follows a spiritual path, but our belief and love for each other is what bolsters us through each day, week, month, and year. Together, we will do this!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Lumosity.com, is a great brain exercise website.

This site is great for TBI's, it's the same principle that I mentioned before in my post on chess and TBI recovery. I can't stress enough the importance of exercising your brain. After my accident, my mother would always say "use it or lose it". She was right. TBI survivors must stay busy and keep their brains busy just like working out the body.
At first I gave up on my speech therapy because I didn't want people to think I was different. This was a mistake. I finally realized I needed to work hard if I was ever going to recover. I would encourage survivors, to "put the pedal to the metal", in recovery, especially new survivors.
I had to learn to swallow, walk, talk, everything over 13 years ago. So it can be challenging when I see other survivors give up, or quit trying. I know every Brain Injury is different and there can be limits to what people will choose to do, but I want TBI survivors to explore that they may be capable of reaching even higher goals then they think.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Neuroplasticity: Your Brain’s Amazing Ability to Form New Habits

This is a interesting article (Neuroplasticity) Who new an old dog can learn new tricks? This is an idea that the ability to surpass someone's limits is possible no matter how old they are. This is, I think one of my favorite ideas that is stressed in the Bible. Individuals and their abilities or faults don't harden and become unchangeable with age. It's a choice to follow this path. The article below shares some scientific proof that we have the ability to literally change the neural pathways in our brain and grow as a person. We can become better at a sport or become a more compassionate person. It all depends on what we spend our time thinking and doing. This is another idea found in the Bible. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Finding a Job

I've had many jobs after my accident. It's been a struggle and I'm still trying to find a job that I can be successful at AND manage my symptoms from the TBI. Today, a friend and I will head over to Joblink on the AB Tech campus in Asheville and update our resumes and continue our job search. It's really important to research the local job search services in your area. This can help speed along the job search and just makes the whole process easier. I'm still experimenting with how many hours I can work and how the stress and schedule will impact my life. This is a learning process. I'm looking forward to working for a couple of reasons. The first obvious reason is money. The second reason is social connection. Working can provide valuable opportunities to connect with others and this is important to me. Wish me luck!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Don't Forget to Rest

I woke up today and didn't feel inspired to do much. I didn't want to workout or fill my day with stress. After thinking about it for awhile I realized what I really wanted was a REST day. Instead of filling up my calendar or lifting weights, I went for a hike near the house where I grew up. Hiking on trails that I used to run up and down as a child brought back some great memories and it was nice to stroll through the woods with no real agenda. So if you've been working hard and are feeling a little burned out don't forget the power of a REST Day.

Here is a great article on the importance of rest for the active individual.

The Importance of Rest


Friday, May 30, 2014

Proper Nutrition = Better Recovery

After my accident eating well was a struggle. I often forgot to buy groceries, prepare food, or even drink water. My physical body was trying to recover from my TBI AND deal with poor nutrition and dehydration. I knew I needed to change my behavior, but it was hard. I set a goal to get in better shape and gain some muscle. If I was going to reach this goal I needed to eat a balanced diet, have meals prepared so I didn't skip them, and drink plenty of water.
  I researched what I needed to eat in order to gain muscle and I made a plan to cook several meals at once so I would have food ready to eat in the refrigerator.
  I cook lots of vegetables, ground turkey, and sweet potatoes. These have become my staple foods. I always have several Tupperware containers full of these foods in the fridge. This has made eating well much easier and I have noticed an increase in my energy and my mood has been stable. I prepare meals twice a week.


I'm also drinking Golden Milk twice a day. This is an ancient beverage made of milk and turmeric paste. The drink is supposed to help elevate inflammation and helps digestion. Here is a link to more information and the recipe. Golden Milk recipe

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Spiritual Journey

Hanging out with my friends from Fusion (community of young adult Christians)

My faith has played a very important role in my recovery. After my accident I was more open to accepting God into my life. Focusing on my faith has provided me with a feeling of security. I sense a greater power watching over me and I believe my life has purpose. I believe my accident is part of God's larger plan. My goal is to keep exploring the meaning and purpose of this plan and strive to glorify God in the process. Sometimes TBI survivors focus so hard on recovering physically they forget to explore the spiritual. I hope this post acts as friendly reminder to take care of your body and SOUL.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

TBI help might be for you..  http://www.vcurrtc.org/studies/facebook/. TBI jobs

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Chess = Weights for the brain

I did some research on the role chess plays in TBI recovery. I didn't find much. My personal experience with chess has revealed many benefits. I feel TBI survivors should at lest try to engage in a "brain" game as part of their recovery program. It's helped me in a variety of ways. Check out the video below for all details.

Friday, May 16, 2014

TBI and loneliness.

Traumatic Brain Injuries don't just cause physical damage. The injury also has the potential to change the way survivors relate to people. After my injury, I experienced many "friends" fade away from my life. My personality had changed and we no longer shared the connection we had built over the years. I found myself feeling very alone and still struggle with this emotion. Feeling different from the majority of society can alienate an individual. Struggling to find the right words when trying to have a conversation with someone I find attractive is sometimes embarrassing and makes me wonder if I will ever feel confident and attractive. The TBI has also impacted my impulse control and I often say or do things that I regret. Having a safe place to discuss my reality is important and one of my motivations for creating this blog was to create such a space. In the video below I speak with Karen Keating from CarePartners TBI group about the importance of TBI support groups. This is just one short clip from a series of interviews I did with Karen. There will be more in the future.  

Monday, May 12, 2014

Fitness and TBI

There has been lots of research done about the benefits of exercise for TBI survivors. I've always tried to stay in shape, but now I'm adding some self defense and boxing training to my personal fitness program. This type of training keeps me in great shape, helps me practice managing my emotions, increases my personal sense of safety, and produces endorphins that put me in a good mood. Don't neglect this important part of your recovery. Find a way to challenge yourself, I promise you will experience emotional and physical benefits.  I created the fun video below compiled of a couple of my boxing workouts. Check it out.

Here is an article discussing the benefits of exercise for TBI survivors.
Great Article of the benefits of exercise for TBI survivors

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Invisible Injury.

 I had the chance to speak with TBI survivor Tanner Johnson recently. Tanner suffered a TBI during an operation on a broken arm. His brain was not receiving enough oxygen and he went into a coma for two days. Most people think you get traumatic brain injuries from hitting your head, etc. This is not always the case. TBI's are "invisible" injuries and this can make understanding the behavior of TBI survivors difficult.  If TBI survivors had missing limbs or some other visible injury, this cue would help explain why they do things a little differently. Without these obvious cues, TBI survivors can come across as just being "weird" and instead of having compassion for TBI survivors there is often judgement. .  


Monday, May 5, 2014

It's important for me to stay busy and creative.
Ceramics is a great way for me to express myself creatively. It helps me manage stress and allows me to work with my body and mind. I also like to produce a product I can use or sell. I feel blessed having my own studio space, wheel, and kiln. Allowing time to be creative is a huge part of my recovery and I encourage all TBI survivors to make time for art in your life.

Another form of creative expression I enjoy is bboy dancing. This is something I discovered after my accident. Before my TBI I was intimidated by the idea of dancing in public. Now expressing myself through dance has become a very important part of the way I connect with society. Dance allows me to communicate things that are hard to convey with speech or writing. I refuse to be trapped within my body and bboy dancing helps set me free. Check out some of my moves in the video below :)  

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Here is a brief explanation of what happened to me. I'm using video and text, to try and give people an idea of what it might be like to experience a TBI. I also want to inspire other TBI survivors to share their stories and not be ashamed of who you are. I'd like to thank Allison Zopel for helping me gather and shoot many of these interviews. Her support has been critical and inspiring. Thank you.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Creating a cyber-space to motivate and celebrate the abilities of TBI survivors

Hi, my name is Drew Carter and I'm a TBI survivor. I've created this blog to help increase the awareness of Traumatic Brain Injuries and to provide some unique information about TBI. I have been collecting interviews from TBI survivors and experts for about a year. I want to share what I've discovered about the realities of living with a TBI. I hope my passion for life motivates and inspires others. I have a passion for bboy (break dancing), ceramics, making clothes, and most importantly, my spiritual journey. This journey has helped me over my own obstacles and surpass the expectations others had for me. I'll be posting interviews, dance footage, and some of my thoughts each week.
 My next update will describe my story, my struggle to recover from a serious TBI and how my art and spiritual path have helped me stay positive.

Please feel free to comment and I hope you enjoy my little piece of the cyber pie.
Picture of me, drinking from one of my coffee mugs I made. Ceramics, or pottery, is great for therapy and encourages creativity, plus you get to make your own dishes!