Thursday, July 10, 2014

Who am I?

I've been wondering how people perceive me. I'm thirty two years old and realize that my TBI has clouded my perception of myself. This leaves me confused. Who am I? I wonder how much of this is normal and how much is caused by the TBI. Sometimes I feel like I'm on a roller-coaster. My moods change and with the change comes a new perspective. Some days I feel confident and grounded, other days I feel insecure and weightless. I've written down eight characteristics I would like to emulate in my life. I'm hoping these traits help me stay centered and focused. Who are you?

Who is Drew Carter?
1. Smart
2. Courageous
3. Honest
4. Healthy
5. Self-Discipline
6. Strong
7. Respectful
8. Wise

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